Fundjavë Ndryshe Foundation
“Fundjavë Ndryshe”, Albania’s largest social initiative is there for every family in need to identify their needs and lead a solution to get them out of poverty.
Fundjave Ndryshe Foundation
“Fundjavë Ndryshe”, Albania’s largest social initiative is there for every family in need to identify their needs and lead a solution to get them out of poverty.
There are thousands of families in Albania who don’t meet the minimum living standards, because the extreme poverty is affecting almost the entire country.
Every weekend “Fundjavë Ndryshe” organizes different charitable activities, wherewith volunteers and staff of the organization, distribute food aids, clothing, and material supplies to the families in need across the country. During these activities “Fundjavë Ndryshe” has helped thousands of families, children, and elders in extreme poverty.
There are thousands of families in Albania who don’t meet the minimum living standards, because the extreme poverty is affecting almost the entire country.
“Fundjavë Ndryshe” organizes every weekend activities, where different charitable with volunteers and staff of the organization, distribute food aids, clothing and material supplies to the families in need across the country. During this activity, “Fundjavë Ndryshe” has helped thousands of families, children and the elderly in extreme poverty.
Building houses for families in need is vital for the society. For poor people with children, who face a difficult life, who lack a profession or worse health, the hope of building a roof over their heads is faint.
Since the beginning of our activity, we have worked hard in this project. We have built more than 500 homes for families in need. This has been accomplished thanks to a detailed organization of “Fundjavë Ndryshe”, with the donors and volunteers. Today we face another challenge, building houses for the families that were affected by the earthquake on November 26, 2019.
Building houses for families in need is vital for society. For poor people, faced with the difficult life, without a profession, unhealthy, with some little children, the hope of building a roof over their heads are faint …
Since the beginning of our activity, we have worked hard in this project. We have built more than 500 homes for families in need. This has been accomplished thanks to a detailed organization of “Fundjavë Ndryshe”, with the donors and volunteers. Today we face another challenge, building houses for the families that were affected by the earthquake on November 26, 2019.
Health is one of the biggest concerns for the poor people. That’s because medical treatments are expensive and most of the prescribed medications isn’t refundable and above all they have high prices. This means that for the poor people, whom might have a chronic illness the chances of getting a surgery are pretty low.
“Fundjavë Ndryshe” has built a new structure where people with health problems can take a medical treatment, can make a free check-up and receive the necessary pills. Due to the difficult surgical intervention that cost too much, we have signed cooperation agreements with hospitals abroad. Meanwhile, “Fundjavë Ndryshe” is managing the implementation of some health projects.
Health is one of the most problematic areas of the poor people. Medical treatments are expensive, medicine prices are high, surgeries and chronic illnesses are very difficult.
“Fundjavë Ndryshe” has built a new structure where people with health problems can take a medical treatment, can make a free check-up and receive the necessary pills. Due to the difficult surgical intervention that cost too much, we have signed cooperation agreements with hospitals abroad. Meanwhile, “Fundjavë Ndryshe” is managing the implementation of some health projects.
Education is the strongest weapon to fight the poverty, but in our country this process is a real challenge, especially when you see that poverty is present in many Albanian families.
Since the beginning of “Fundjavë Ndryshe”, education has been given special attention. We have helped many young people by distributing scholarships, school materials, bags, and notebooks. Also we have provided them different courses, in foreign languages too. Currently, we are working for the implementation of some major education projects, such as building a professional school and a digital and physical library.
Education is the strongest weapon to fight the poverty, but in our country this process is a real challenge, especially when you see that poverty is present to many Albanian families.
Since the beginning of “Fundjavë Ndryshe”, education has been given special attention. We have tried to work to challenge this reality by distributing scholarships, private courses, foreign languages, school materials, bags, and notebooks. Currently we have applied for the implementation of some major education projects, such as building a professional school and a digital and physical library.
Unemployment in Albania is very high, and this is just one of many phenomena that cause the extreme poverty in our country.
After we examine the problems of the family, and give our assistance in vital sectors such as food, health or education, we intend to conclude employment agreements between family members and businesses. We believe that by employing members of a family in need, we will be able to provide them a stable income and bring them out of poverty. We are currently working to build a professional school, where many individuals will receive vocational training to be able to enter in the employment market.
Unemployment in Albania is very high, and this is just one of many phenomena that cause the extreme poverty in our country.
After we examine the problems of the family, and give our assistance in vital sectors such as food, health or education, we intend to conclude employment agreements between family members and businesses. We believe that by employing members of a family in need, we will be able to provide them a stable income and bring them out of poverty. We are currently working to build a professional school, where many individuals will receive vocational training to be able to enter in the employment market.
Albanian society is legally uninformed, mostly the marginalized and families in need. Many of them have no information about financial assistance, social assistance or health care solutions from the relevant authorities.
Legal assistance is a service that “Fundjavë Ndryshe” has been providing to families in need since the beginning. By signing agreements with some law studios, families in need can report their problem and get the support of a legal structure. However, this is a project that “Fundjavë Ndryshe” aims to expand, towards establishing a legal studio as the structure of the organization.